Abou Us

Trakya University Computer Center was established in 1989 in accordance with Article 34 of the Decree Law no. Department of Information Technology; It is located on the ground floor of a 3 - storey building located in the Trakya University Balkan Campus,  41°38'19.3"N+26°36'58.1"E coordinates on an area of ​​1.412 m².

Our Department, in order to provide safer service to all our users in our university and  fulfill the objectives and policies set out in  ISO 27001 In November 2018; has been gotten  the Information Security Management System (ISMS) Certificate  by fulfilling the requirements specified in TS EN ISO 27001:2013 and has  started to implement relevant policies. 

This content was issued on 18.01.2019 and has been viewed for 1907 times.