T.U. Internet Usage Rules

Trakya University Information Processing Department has provided web, mail, ftp etc. to the University members on the internet. The legal responsibility arising from the use of the services belongs to the user. This legal responsibility covers the following items.

The internet service provided within the university is for scientific study and research purposes. Trakya University takes this principle as a basis in the provision of internet services and, if necessary, allocates a website, ftp area, and mail account for the publication of the studies, as well as providing internet access.

In the internet services provided to Trakya University by UlakNet, it acts within the framework of the rules brought by UlakNet and is obliged to control the following issues.

T.U. The user cannot contain commercial content in the services offered to him or use it for advertising purposes. T.U. The user cannot use or make these services available to third parties and organizations for the purpose of gaining benefit.

T.U. The user cannot use the services offered to him for any purpose with porn/terrorist content. The legal responsibility that may arise from the content of the sites that the user accesses on the internet -for example, with porn content, with terrorism content- belongs to the user.

A user with an e-mail account accepts in advance any legal responsibility that may arise from the content of the mail he has sent. Trakya University cannot be held responsible for legal problems arising from these services provided to users.

T.U. The user cannot contain or disclose service-specific or confidential information in the web, mail, ftp areas allocated to him.

T.U. The user cannot use these services for harmful purposes to third parties on purpose. (Virus content message, Varez, Hack etc.)

T.U. The user cannot use the services allocated to him for the purpose of having a crack program or distributing a license number.

It is announceUniversity to all interested parties and users.

This content was issued on 02.09.2022 and has been viewed for 1237 times.